EveryPlate App

Get inspired and cook with your phone and tablet!

Get inspired and cook with your phone and tablet!

The EveryPlate app makes managing your meal plan as simple as cooking an EveryPlate recipe!

Check out what's coming up on the menu, select the tasty dinners you want to cook, and access your past recipes all with just a simple tap. Plus, you can skip a week or pause your meal plan at any time. Really! EveryPlate is the smarter meal plan, offering value for money you won’t find at the supermarket. Enjoy everything you need to cook up tasty meals delivered to your door. And with our four-step recipes, you keep your weekly menu fuss free and simple. It’s a win-win!

Why Everyplate?

At EveryPlate, it continues to be our mission to provide Australia with great affordable food that's simple to cook and ideal for all of the family. As the cost of food and living increases, we're taking more time to think about how our customers can reduce their spending without sacrificing taste. Learn how you can outsmart the supermarket with us and get the best for your money.

Easy meal planning

Use our app to select your meals with a simple tap. Our plans are flexible so you can skip a week or cancel at any time. No commitments, really.

Delivering all the essentials

We keep our everyday prices low by delivering only the quality essentials you need to cook tasty and affordable meals.

Fuss-free and tasty recipes

Plate up a flavourful feed the whole household will love, with simple four-step recipes and cooking methods that everyone can follow.

Easy meal planning

Use our app to select your meals with a simple tap. Our plans are flexible so you can skip a week or cancel at any time. No commitments, really.

Delivering all the essentials

We keep our everyday prices low by delivering only the quality essentials you need to cook tasty and affordable meals.

Fuss-free and tasty recipes

Plate up a flavourful feed the whole household will love, with simple four-step recipes and cooking methods that everyone can follow.