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It's Not Me, It's You: How To Break Up With Your Supermarket

It's Not Me, It's You: How To Break Up With Your Supermarket

New research from EveryPlate has revealed how Aussies truly feel about their supermarket - with many saying it’s become a one-sided relationship.

New research from EveryPlate has revealed how Aussies truly feel about their supermarket - with many saying it’s become a one-sided relationship.

How Aussies Really Feel About Their Relationship with the Supermarket


19% feel overwhelmed and stressed doing the food shop each week

Uncared For

One third (33%) of Aussies feel the supermarkets don't care about them

Ready For Something New

One quarter (25%) agree that 'breaking up' with the supermarket i.e not grocery shopping as much is something they would like to do
<h2>Many Feel It's a One-Sided Relationship with the Supermarket</h2>

Many Feel It's a One-Sided Relationship with the Supermarket

As any relationship begins to fizzle out, it can become to feel like a slog. The results of our recent survey revealed that many people have reached this point with supermarkets in Australia. Results showed that one third [33%] of Australians feel that the supermarkets don't care for them with more than one in five [22%] believing that the supermarket wants to control them and makes them buy certain things they don't necessarily need.

It's to break up and upgrade!

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<h2>Others Agree It's Time To Move On It's Time To Improve Grocery Shopping </h2>

Others Agree It's Time To Move On It's Time To Improve Grocery Shopping

The survey revealed others felt their relationship with doing the grocery shopping at a supermarket was beyond repair, with the majority [60%] of Aussies being open to ending their relationships with the supermarket, especially if there is an easier option available. A quarter [25%] also admitted that 'breaking up' with the supermarket and reducing the amount they go is something they want to do.

How To Break Up With The Supermarket

If you’re like the many and are starting to get cold feet when heading down the (shopping) aisle, fear not! Leading relationship expert Katia Loisel has some advice on how to recognise these warning signs in your supermarket courtship - and how to break them once and for all.
1. Don’t fall for the hot and cold personality
At first everything in the supermarket is easy to find, you know your way around and you know where everything is located. It’s a two way partnership. Then suddenly overnight everything changes. Your favourite items are discontinued, the aisles you’re familiar with have been swapped around. And you’re left wondering what changed.
Don’t fall for supermarkets blowing hot and cold, you need more consistency in your life. Having regular deliveries of your favourite items or meals can prevent you from needing to scramble around the aisles and provide you with more stability.
2. The bare minimum is not worth the effort
Our supermarket relationship can often be one-sided - and it’s not meeting our needs. Having to chase all the way around a store to find the essentials, heading left and right and aimlessly putting in all the steps just to get the basics. You wouldn't put up with it in a relationship so don’t do it with your supermarket. The solve? Tasty, fuss-free meals from a meal kit delivery service that will help you win at dinner, when the ingredients and recipes are delivered straight to your door each week. It's a fantastic mutual partnership, and saves you heading down all the aisles just to get the bare minimum.
3. Watch out for yellow flags
You’ve heard of red flags, but what about those yellow sales tags? Don’t let the shiny stickers trick you into thinking you want stuff that you don’t need. The colour has been designed to make a deal more enticing and catch your eye.
Those deals and savings release mood boosting dopamine and trigger the dopamine system in the brain associated with pleasure, addiction and reward. This can cause havoc with our nervous system making us temporarily infatuated and blinded to the flags that reveal someone’s true intentions. In order to avoid them - and overspending in the supermarket once and for all - make sure to stick to what you really need and never visit on an empty stomach. You’ll thank me, and yourself later.
4. It's time to upgrade!
You’ve worked out that you’ve lost that loving feeling, you’ve tried and there’s no resolve. Now it’s time to find the right partner for you. If you know you’re ready to break up with the supermarket, this is your sign to swap the aisles for a better model. Budget-friendly meal kit delivery service, EveryPlate provides quality ingredients and easy four step recipes for your weekly meals, at a consistent cost with no surprises - helping Aussies save up to 44% per plate instead of shopping at the supermarket*

Commissioned by EveryPlate in conjunction with Pure Profile, the research was conducted online in May 2023. Findings are based on a nationally representative sample of over 1,000 Australians.